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10 Easy Ways to Minimize Mosquito Bites

10 Easy Ways to Minimize Mosquito Bites

No one wants to get bit by a mosquito. Unfortunately, even with the most horrendous chemicals sprayed all over your yard, it is *impossible* to completely eliminate mosquitos in your yard. There are too many species with too far of a range, and most people have so many neighbors close by that *any* species, even those with a very short range, could be within range. 

Whether you're someone that is hyper sensitive to mosquito bites, you're out at a friend's house, or even going camping, we hope these easy tips will help you prevent mosquito bites. Feel free to share this with your friends! We're fans of spreading factual info whether you're our customer or not. If it helps prevent mosquito spraying and protects people from mosquito borne diseases, we're in!

1. Turn on a Fan

Mosquitos are weak fliers! If you won't be moving around your yard, like having dinner on the patio, break out a fan to keep the air moving around you. Mosquitos won't be able to get to you because they can't fly through the moving air. 

2. Use Picaridin Lotion

Picaridin is a synthetic mosquito repellent that is as effective as DEET, but won't denature plastic the way that DEET does. A lotion formulation rather than a spray prevents spray drift, is more comfortable, and lasts longer. With the Picaridin lotion on, I've found that mosquitos won't even land on me. They seem actively repulsed by the smell of the Picaridin. It repels ticks too. We use Sawyer Picaridin Lotion, but there are other brands that probably work well too. We don't earn any money from that link. 

3. Lemon Eucalyptus Oil sprays

If you'd prefer a repellent with all natural ingredients (picaridin is synthetic), Lemon Eucalyptus Oil is the best option. It is not as long lasting as Picaridin or DEET, but it is still effective. Many of the other all natural active ingredients are significantly less effective. Try this one you can get on Amazon, it should work well for you. Just remember to reapply after about 2 hours. And again, we get no money from this link.

4. Avoid dusk

Mosquitos are most active at dusk. Whether day biters like the tiger mosquitos or night biters like the common house mosquito, all species of mosquito are active at this time. Be extra cautious around dusk, or just avoid it altogether if possible.

5. Wear baggy long sleeves and pants

What you wear can have an impact! Mosquitos like to go for the ankles and the forearms. If you are wearing long sleeves and pants, it makes it harder for them to get to you. But, they can also bite through tight fitting clothing. Spandex or similar types of fabric make it especially easy for them. Baggier clothing makes it harder as the gap between the clothing and your skin can help protect you.

6. Wear white or green, avoid black or red

Several studies have been done on this one. Mosquitos are consistently drawn most toward the color black, with red being second. Their least favorite is white, followed by green. They are also drawn to contrasting colors. 

7. Avoid disturbing foliage

Mosquitos love dense foliage, especially glossy foliage. This is where they hang out, especially during the day, as they enjoy the shade and the humidity. Glossier leaves hold in more moisture, which is why mosquitos prefer them. Think of English Ivy or a Japanese Aucuba. If you disturb the foliage, you may find lots of mosquitos emerging from it, happy to take advantage of the opportunity. 

8. Keep it moving, don't stand still

We've said it once, and we'll say it again, mosquitos are weak fliers! They may be able to smell your breath from 150 feet away, but it will take them some time to get to you. If you keep moving around, they never actually catch up to you. Stay in the same place for too long, however, and they'll eventually find you. 

9. Permethrin Treated Clothing

While we would certainly never go around spraying Permethrin all over a back yard, Permethrin Treated clothing can protect you from ticks and mosquitos without impacting any insect that doesn't actually land on your clothing. You can send existing clothing off to be treated, you can buy clothes that have already been treated, or you can even treat clothes yourself. The treatment lasts longest, about 60 washes, if you buy it pre-treated. We've found the Lightweight Traveler Pants by Teren Designs, to be quite comfortable and stylish. Again, we receive no compensation for this link. 

10. Swat Them

I'm sure many people will see this and think, duh! BUT, this is actually important. Mosquitos have been shown to learn to avoid specific people that have swatted at them previously. You may have to swat a few times, but if you miss, you can at least feel good about the fact that that mosquito will probably avoid you in the future. 
