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Bee Safe Mosquito Control

Bee Safe Mosquito Control

How It Works

Bee Safe Mosquito Control offers three types of treatments: baiting stations, larviciding, and event treatments. Learn the concepts of how each can work to protect you from mosquitos.

The Science

How do we know the products we use work? Research. Find it all here

How do we know the products we use are safe? Also research. You’ll find it here too.


We did our best to cover what we thought you’d ask, but let us know if we missed something!

Take it from a Bee Safe customer:

“Thank you, Todd, for fixing our mosquito problem for us! We still have a few mosquitos but it is nothing like before. We had a family gathering in our backyard yesterday for my husband’s bday with zero mosquitos bothering us! Thanks to the Biogents mosquitaire that Todd installed for us, with sweet scent and C02 (by the way, the smell is not a problem, I don’t notice it and no one else did either). We also got 3 baiting devices professionally installed, and an inspection of our yard to find any unknown sources of standing water, and any problem areas will be treated monthly with mosquito bits/dunks. … Our mosquito problem now feels completely manageable and under control. Thank you for rescuing us from the swarms of mosquitos, Todd!”

Zoe Rockville, MD

Check out the latest from our blog:

Bee-Safe is our goal, whether you become a customer or not. Not in our service area? Check out these tips:

  • Never sign up for or use a spray! Especially pyrethroid-based sprays, but also the “green/eco” options too.
  • If you can't get In2Care baiting stations, check out how to DIY a "bucket of doom"
  • Never use a mosquito/bug zapper! They kill lots of pollinators, but very few mosquitos.
  • Inspect your yard regularly for mosquito breeding sites. Eliminate them or treat with BTI dunks or bits.
  • Plant a variety of native plants to encourage natural predators such as bats, birds, frogs, and dragonflies.
  • Repair or replace your gutters if they don't slope correctly. Replace corrugated downspout extenders with straight ones.
  • A simple fan blowing on you while outside can keep the mosquitos away, they are poor flyers.
  • Instead of mosquito repellent sprays, use wipes to avoid inadvertent spraying. Or go DEET-free.

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